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CASE Tool Evaluation


Provides "white paper" describing my evaluation of several computer-aided software engineering tools used for  data modeling and generation of databases automatically from that software.

The tools in question generally allow the user to describe a database using diagramming tools to create a detailed entity-relationship diagram.  An actual database reflecting the features entered into the CASE software can then be generated automatically, typically into any number of database software packages such as MS-Access, MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres, etc. 


Adobe Acrobat Reader, V4 or higher.  


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Open the document using Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent software. 


case_tool_eval.pdf (179 Kb PDF file, 18Sep2003 revision)

Planned Development

There may be revisions to incorporate additional information derived from regular use of one or more of the described software packages.  At present, I'm working with the CASE Studio software during regular database design work.