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Screen Images

The links provided here display graphics images of the main reports included in the databases.

All screen images are provided as PNG files with sizes less than 20Kb.


Accessions represent the movement of acquired plant materials into the formal collection of the garden

Accession Edit (Acquistion tab)
For editing or adding a single record, with display of related acquistion information
Accession Edit (Names tab)
For editing or adding a single record and related name assignments
Accession Edit (Specimen tab)
For editing or adding a single record, with display of related specimen records
Accession Selection
Used to enter selection criteria for records to be edited or represented in a report
Accession Selection Display
Displays selected records and allows user to either edit a selected record or choose a report for representing the entire set of selected records


Acquistion records represent the acquistion of plant materials from a donor. Acquiring plant materials does is not synonomous with movement of plants into formal garden holdings. It is assumed that materials may be received and registered with more processing required before entry into formal garden holdings.

Acquistion Edit (Funding tab)
For editing or adding a single record and related acquisition funding information
Acquistion Edit (Origin tab)
For editing or adding a single record and related origin information
Acquistion Selection
Used to enter selection criteria for records to be edited or represented in a report
Acquistion Selection Display
Displays selected records and allows user to either edit a selected record or choose a report for representing the entire set of selected records

Code Definitions

A number of screens are provided for use of the database administrator to manage codes used in drop-down menus, etc. These all have very similar characteristics, and only a few representations are provided here

Action Type Definition
For editing the list of codes used to categorize actions
Hybrid Name Type Definition
For editing the list of codes used to indicate the type of hybrid name used in a name component
Name Component Type Definition
For editing the list of codes used to categorize the type of name component
Staff Member Definition
For editing the list of staff members
Taxonomic Rank Definition
For editing the list of codes used to indicate the taxonomic rank assigned to a name component

Alternate Data Entry

These special purpose forms are provided outside of the usual information subject areas

Survey Form Response Data Entry
For entry of information provided on a returned survey form


Donor records are used to represent those providing either plant materials or funding for plant material acquisitions

Donor Edit
For editing or adding a single record
Donor Selection
Used to enter selection criteria for records to be edited or represented in a report
Donor Selection Display
Displays selected records and allows user to either edit a selected record or choose a report for representing the entire set of selected records

Help Message

Help Message records are used to store helpful directions within the database for ready reference

Help Message Edit
For editing or adding a single record
Help Message Selection
Used to enter selection criteria for records to be edited or represented in a report
Help Message Selection Display
Displays selected records and allows user to either edit a selected record or choose a report for representing the entire set of selected records

Main Switchboard

Provides overall access to database functions

Main Switchboard (Administrator) tab
Access to value lists and simple database administration functions
Main Switchboard (Alternate Data Entry) tab
Access to special purpose data entry forms
Main Switchboard (General User) tab
Access to general purpose data entry forms


Name records represent a complete name that might used for a taxon within the garden. Components can include family, genus, species, variety, etc.

Name Edit
For editing or adding a single record
Name Selection
Used to enter selection criteria for records to be edited or represented in a report
Name Selection Display
Displays selected records and allows user to either edit a selected record or choose a report for representing the entire set of selected records

Name Components

Name Components are words or phrases used as individual components of a full plant name. A name component might be defined for use as the genus, species, variety, subspecies part of a full name, etc.

Name Component Edit
For editing or adding a single record
Name Component Selection
Used to enter selection criteria for records to be edited or represented in a report
Name Component Selection Display
Displays selected records and allows user to either edit a selected record or choose a report for representing the entire set of selected records


Specimen records represent individual plants or clumps of plants managed as a unit within the formal garden collection

Specimen Edit (Accession tab)
For editing or adding a single record, with display of related accession information
Specimen Edit (Action tab)
For editing or adding a single record and related action information
Specimen Edit (Donor tab)
For editing or adding a single record, with display of related donor information
Specimen Selection (Accession tab)
Used to enter selection criteria for records to be edited or represented in a report. Focus on accession attributes.
Specimen Selection (Action tab)
Used to enter selection criteria for records to be edited or represented in a report. Focus on action attributes.
Specimen Selection (Donor tab)
Used to enter selection criteria for records to be edited or represented in a report. Focus on donor attributes.
Specimen Selection Display
Displays selected records and allows user to either edit a selected record or choose a report for representing the entire set of selected records