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Current loctn: about > data model V1

Data Model - Version 1

Data Subjects

The following data subjects are unique to version 1:

The following data subjects provided in version 2 are not provided in version 1:

Key features:

Entity-Relationship Diagrams

This implementation provides an abridged version of the full data model, as applied during implementation for the first client - a nonprofit land trust.

Main Model
Entities and relationships without attributes represented (PNG file, 35Kb)
Contact Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of contacts, with attributes represented (PNG file, 14Kb)
Donation Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of donationss, with attributes represented (PNG file, 18Kb)
Easement Project Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of easement projects, with attributes represented (PNG file, 24Kb)
Party Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of parties, with attributes represented (PNG file, 34Kb)