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Data Model - Version 3

Data Subjects

The following data subjects provided in version 4 are not provided in version 3:

Single-use customizations

Single-use customizations of V3 have been developed to add the following major information tracking capacities:

Data storage structures developed for these customizations can be fairly easily incorporated into new customizations of the database

Key features:

Entity-Relationship Diagrams

This implementation provides an unabridged, very complete rendition of the full data model with some extensions adding additional data tracking capacities, and removing components specific to a natural resource advocacy organization.

Main Model
Entities and relationships without attributes represented (PNG file, 74Kb)
Contact Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of contacts, with attributes represented (PNG file, 21Kb)
Donation Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of donations, with attributes represented (PNG file, 29Kb)
Focus Area Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of focus areas, with attributes represented (PNG file, 14Kb)
Grant Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of grants, with attributes represented (PNG file, 21Kb)
Outreach Response Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of outreach responses, with attributes represented (PNG file, 16Kb)
Outreach Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of outreaches, with attributes represented (PNG file, 25Kb)
Party Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of parties, with attributes represented (PNG file, 35Kb)
Person Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of persons , with attributes represented (PNG file, 37Kb)
Publication Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of publications, with attributes represented (PNG file, 8Kb)
Team Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of teams, with attributes represented (PNG file, 20Kb)
Volunteer Action Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of volunteer actions, with attributes represented (PNG file, 18Kb)
Voter Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of voters, with attributes represented (PNG file, 14Kb)