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Screen Images - Legacy Versions

The links provided here display graphics images of the main reports included in the databases.

All screen images are provided as PNG files with file sizes less than 20Kb.

Version 1

This implementation provides an abridged version of the full data model, as applied during implementation for the first client - a nonprofit land trust.


Contacts are communications between staff and others (phone call, email, letter, meeting, etc.)

Contact edit
Contact selection
Used to specify selection criteria for contact records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Contact selection display
Used to display records matching the selection criteria specified on the contact selection form. Also used to select reports used to summarize those records.


Donation edit
Donation selection
Used to specify selection criteria for donation records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Donation selection display
Used to display records matching the selection criteria specified on the donation selection form. Also used to select reports used to summarize those records.

Easement Projects

Easement projects are formal efforts to attain land easements

Main Switchboard

Easement projects are formal efforts to attain land easements

Main switchboard (admin tab)
Provides access to user-customizable code sets and other administrator-type functions
Main switchboard (general tab)
Used to access selection forms for typical editing and reporting uses of the database


A Party can be an individual, a family, an organization, a business, a foundation, or an agency, etc. Here are some questions that help present an understanding of the way the term party is used:

Party edit (contact tab)
Party edit (email tab)
Party edit (group member tab)
Party edit (location tab)
Party edit (party member tab)
Displays persons associated with the current party record
Party edit (phone tab)
Party selection
Used to specify selection criteria for party records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Party selection display
Used to display records matching the selection criteria specified on the party selection form. Also used to select reports used to summarize those records.


Person edit (party member tab)
Person edit (personal event tab)
Tracks important personal events, such as new births, deaths, retirement, major illness, divorces, marriages.
Person edit ( tab)
Important personal relationships between persons
Person selection
Used to specify selection criteria for person records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Person selection display
Used to display records matching the selection criteria specified on the person selection form. Also used to select reports used to summarize those records.


Pledges are defined as a promise of future donations. The main access to pledges is through the party edit form.

Version 2

This implementation provides an unabridged, very complete rendition of the full data model, as applied during implementation for the second client - a natural resource advocacy organization. As a consequence, there are many more screens.

This area of the web page is still being edited. Some screens are not yet represented on this web page.


Contacts are communications between staff and others (phone call, email, letter, meeting, etc.)

Contact Edit (Party tab)
Contact Edit (Subjects tab)
Contact selection
Used to specify selection criteria for contact records to be edited or summarized using reports.


Donation Fund Income Category Report
The donation edit form in V2 is essentially the same as in V1
Donation selection (donation tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for donation records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Donation selection (group member tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for donation records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Donation selection (location tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for donation records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Donation selection (party tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for donation records to be edited or summarized using reports.


Grant edit (milestone tab), columnar view)
Grant edit (milestone tab), list view)
Grant edit (party tab)
Grant selection
Used to specify selection criteria for grant records to be edited or summarized using reports.

NEPA Projects

A NEPA Project represents a project initiated by a government agency proposing a land managment action that requires an input/evaluation process as stipulated under the National Environmental Protection Act.

NEPA edit (appeal tab)
NEPA edit (comment tab)
NEPA edit (milestone tab)
NEPA edit (outreach tab)
NEPA edit (party tab)
NEPA edit (revision tab), columnar view
NEPA edit (revision tab), list view
NEPA edit (timber sale tab), columnar view
NEPA edit (timber sale tab), list view
NEPA selection
Used to specify selection criteria for NEPA records to be edited or summarized using reports.


An Outreach can represent any type of effort to inform or engage the public. These are typically more general or public communications than are contacts, which tend to be more private.

Outreach edit (deliverable tab)
Outreach edit (expense tab)
Outreach edit (focus tab)
Outreach edit (nepa tab)
Outreach edit (party tab)
Outreach edit (response tab)
Outreach edit (staff tab)
Outreach selection (grant tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for outreach records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Outreach selection (outreach tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for outreach records to be edited or summarized using reports.


A Party can be an individual, a family, an organization, a business, a foundation, or an agency, etc. Here are some questions that help present an understanding of the way the term party is used:

The information tracked under V2 is much more detailed than provided in V1.

Party edit (donation tab), columnar view)
Party edit (donation tab), list view)
Party edit (location tab), columnar view)
Party edit (location tab), list view)
Party edit (phone tab))
Party selection (group member tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for party records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Party selection (location tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for party records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Party selection (party tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for party records to be edited or summarized using reports.
Party selection (volunteer tab)
Used to specify selection criteria for party records to be edited or summarized using reports.


Each record literally represents one person.

(Screens are very similar to V1, except for additional tab used to display voter registration data returned by LCV voter enhancement process.)

Version 3

This implementation provides an unabridged, very complete rendition of the full data model, as applied during implementation for the second client with some extensions for tracking additional information about persons such as languages used, ethnicity, racial backgrsound, with removal of subjects related solely tonatural resource advocacy organization2. As a nearly all screens are very similar to V2.

This area of the web page is still being edited. Some screens are not yet represented on this web page.


Each record literally represents one person.

(Screens are very similar to V2, except for additional tabs used to display languages, ethnic associations, and racial background)