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Salesforce NPSP V3 Upgrade Package Evaluation - Click and Pledge PaymentAsAService 8.3052


This document provides information pertaining to whether the Click and Pledge Payment-as-a-Service 8.3052 package published by Click and Pledge must be uninstalled, or have a special configuration established during:

  1. Upgrade from Non-Profit Starter Pack (NPSP) V2 to NPSP V3

    Package configuration needs for use of the Salesforce Account Model Conversion (AMC) utility are also evaluated/documented here.

  2. Transfer of data from Production instance to a sandbox used for testing data manipulations required as part of a upgrade or conversion to NPSP V3

    Data transfers of this type may be required if:

    1. A developer or developer pro sandbox is being used for testing NPSP V3 upgrade/conversion processes

      The use of these sandboxes can avoid the expense of a full sandbox in some situations.

    2. A sandbox test of NPSP V3 upgrade/conversion has revealed problems that require a revised test that in turn requires reloading of the sandbox with test data.

      Even though a full sandbox will include data contents, the typical full sandbox 29-day refresh cycle may result in a need to reload the sandbox if a single upgrade/conversion test doesn't suffice.

Red-colored text is used to represent critical information items that may interfere with needed operations in very important ways.

Blue-colored text is used to represent useful information which nonetheless is somewhat less than critical in importance.

Green-colored text is used to represent useful information which indicates an absence of problems or special configuation/data handling needs.

Use agreement

Information provided here is copyrighted by Larry Bednar and licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. A copy of the text of this license may be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html

The main points of the GNU license indicate that users are allowed to distribute the orginal licensed product, or distribute modified versions if the following conditions have been fulfilled:

If a more detailed understanding is needed, please follow the links provided above to review the actual text of the GNU licenses.

If you distribute modified copies of these items, it is both polite and useful (but not required) to provide some additional information:

Package Details

Publisher: Click and Pledge

Package Name: Click and Pledge Payment-as-a-Service

Package Version: 8.3052

Description: (none provided)

(A catalogue of package components is provided in this file: pkg_components_click_and_pledge.xls)

Package components include:

  1. Apex Classes
  2. Apex Triggers

    [Indicate key objects on which triggers are defined.]

    1. C&P Data

      2 triggers

  3. Apps
  4. Business Proceses
  5. Buttons or Links
  6. Custom Fields

    [If an uninstall is required, these fields and associated data will likely be removed. Export of those data and updates after a reinstall may be required.]

    Some defined on Case, Contact, Opportunity objects

  7. Custom Objects

    [If custom objects are provided with the package, this may mean that a required uninstall action would also require export of records from these objects prior to the uninstall and reloading of that data when the package is later reinstalled.]

    [May be helpful to list custom objects provided with package.]

    1. C&P Allocations
    2. C&P API Settings
    3. C&P Assigned Connections
    4. C&P Autoresponder
    5. C&P Autoresponder Log Details
    6. C&P Autoresponder Queue
    7. C&P Allocations
    8. C&P API Settings
    9. C&P Assigned Connections
    10. C&P Autoresponder
    11. C&P Autoresponder Log Details
    12. C&P Autoresponder Queue
    13. C&P Autoresponder Settings
    14. C&P Autoresponder Settings Options
    15. C&P Batch Upload
    16. C&P Batch Upload Detail
    17. C&P Broadcaster Campaign
    18. C&P Broadcaster List
    19. C&P Broadcaster Member Activity
    20. C&P Broadcaster Merge Fields
    21. C&P Broadcaster Recurring Schedule
    22. C&P Broadcaster Schedule Process
    23. C&P BroadCaster Service
    24. C&P Broadcaster Stats
    25. C&P Broadcaster Stats Per Hour
    26. C&P Class
    27. C&P Connect Statistics Max
    28. C&P Contact Alias
    29. C&P Contact Fields Map
    30. C&P Countries
    31. C&P Country State
    32. C&P Currency
    33. C&P Custom Question
    34. C&P Data
    35. C&P Data Import
    36. C&P Designer
    37. C&P Designer Content Data
    38. C&P Dynamic Report
    39. C&P Embedded Virtual Terminal
    40. C&P Invoice
    41. C&P Invoice Items
    42. C&P Invoice Payment Policy
    43. C&P Invoice Policy
    44. C&P Invoice Schedule
    45. C&P Invoice Setting
    46. C&P Ledger
    47. C&P Opportunity Pledge
    48. C&P Package Version
    49. C&P Patron Value Rank
    50. C&P Pledge
    51. C&P Record Type
    52. C&P Recurring
    53. C&P RecurringTransaction
    54. C&P Relationship
    55. C&P Report Fields
    56. C&P Settings Overview
    57. C&P SMTP settings
    58. C&P Soft Credit
    59. C&P Sub Class
    60. C&P Sub Recordtypes
    61. C&P Temporary Contact
    62. C&P Transaction
    63. C&P Widget
  8. Dashboard Folders
  9. Dashboards
  10. Document Folders
  11. Documents
  12. Email Template Folders
  13. Email Templates
  14. List Views
  15. Page Layouts
  16. Record Types

    Defined on:

    1. Account
    2. C&P Transaction
    3. Contact
    4. Opportunity
    5. Product
  17. Remote Sites
  18. Report Folders
  19. Reports
  20. Static Resources
  21. Tabs
  22. Visualforce Components
  23. Visualforce Pages
  24. Workflow Email Alerts
  25. Workflow Rules

    1 defined on C&P Data object

NPSP V3 Install and ACM Usage Configuration

The AMC utility is stated to require that no additional automation should execute during AMC operation.

Any package automation (Apex triggers, workflow rules, or validation rules) that execute in these situations may cause problems:

  1. Creation of Account records
  2. Update of Contact records
  3. Update of Opportunity records
  4. Update of Task records

(The list of package components provided above uses blue-colored text for components types that might present problems.)

Publisher Input

[(LB) - The publisher was not contacted about problems encountered with NPSP V3 install and/or use of the AMC utility while this package is installed. Package components did not appear to suggest problems.]

User Input

[(LB) - Discussions on Power of Us Hub or elsewhere were uncovered which provide information about problems encountered during NPSP V3 installation or related data processing. No problems are reported. A specific query about the C&P Data object's trigger was posed to the Hub, with no reply received.]

Final Evaluation for NPSP V3 Install and AMC Operation

Regarding configuration of this package during NPSP V3 installation and use of the AMC utility...

[LB -The package seems to cause no issues if left installed]

Sandbox Data Loading

Package automation that creates records in response to record insertions may create records that are not derived from the data source.

This may be important if users intend to use the sandbox for a complete review and validation of post-conversion functionality. Especially if users will expect to see an exact and accurate representation of records from the source database (usually the production instance) within the sandbox

This may not be important if the sandbox is used only to verify correct conversion of data to a new account model (such as the new NPSP V3 household account model), and if the sandbox will not be expected to contain an overall faithful representation of data from the source database. If package automation does not create new records within key objects being handled by the AMC utility, data transfers undertaken solely to create an NPSP V3 data processing test environment, data transferred to the sandbox should be acceptable for the intended uses.

The AMC utility works with records in these objects:

  1. Accounts

    If the database is being converted from one-2-one or bucket to the new household account model, new Account records will be created to represent NPSP Household records already present in the instance.

  2. Contacts

    Contacts linkages to Accounts may be updated.

  3. Opportunities

    Linkage of Opportunities to Accounts may be updated.

  4. Tasks

    Linkage of Tasks to Accounts may be updated.

Publisher Input

[(LB) - The publisher was contacted for information about problems encountered data loading with this package installed. They indicate that (summarize that input here within the formatting tags for blue text.)]

User Input

[(LB) - Discussions on Power of Us Hub or elsewhere were uncovered which provide information about problems encountered with sandbox data loading. No problems were reported and the most authoritative input was that problems were unlikely and that loading of C&P data was not required for testing of core NPSP V3 installation and related data processing tasks. Kamran at C&P was specifically targeted by the question I posed on the Hub and did not weigh in with corrections, so I assume that the input provided seemed correct from a C&P perspective.]

Final Evaluation for Sandbox Data Loading

Regarding configuration of this package during data loading...

[LB - The package seems unlikely to cause issues if left installed and normally configured during loading of records into a sandbox.

However, it may be wise to omit loading of the C&P Data object during data transfers to be absolutely sure - since this object is not touched by operation of the AMC utility, there is little need for these data in an environment designed specifically for testing NPSP V3 upgrade/conversion operations]