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Data Model - Current Version

The data model employed by the database is designed to meet needs encountered repeatedly during our work with a wide variety of client organizations. We mindfully selected data handling approaches that avoid problems seen frequently in non-profit databases.

Data Subjects

The following major data subjects are covered:

Key features:

Experiences in Use

In actual use, we have found the data model to be quite comprehensive. Client requests for a new data storage or reporting capacity are generally accomodated without revisions of the existing data model. Typically, the most difficult work required in response is the construction of appropriate SQL statements for withdrawing data for a new report from already-existing data structures.

Entity-Relationship Diagrams

Main Model
Entities and relationships without attributes represented (PNG file, 83Kb)
Contact Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of contacts, with attributes represented (PNG file, 22Kb)
Focus Area Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of focus areas, with attributes represented (PNG file, 14Kb)
Grant Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of grants, with attributes represented (PNG file, 22Kb)
Load Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of loading specifications within the server portion of the system, with attributes represented (PNG file, 13Kb)
Outreach Response Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of outreach responses, with attributes represented (PNG file, 16Kb)
Outreach Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of outreaches, with attributes represented (PNG file, 26Kb)
Party Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of parties, with attributes represented (PNG file, 35Kb)
Payment Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of payments, with attributes represented (PNG file, 50Kb)
Person Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of persons , with attributes represented (PNG file, 38Kb)
Publication Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of publications, with attributes represented (PNG file, 9Kb)
Team Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of teams, with attributes represented (PNG file, 18Kb)
Volunteer Action Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of volunteer actions, with attributes represented (PNG file, 18Kb)
Voter Submodel
Entities closely related to storage of voters, with attributes represented (PNG file, 15Kb)

Data Models - Earlier Versions

Data Model - Version 3
Page describing differences between V3 and V4
Data Model - Version 2
Page describing differences between V2 and V3
Data Model - Version 1
Page describing differences between V1 and V2