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Current loctn: about > methods > software > implementation


User instructions

It is typical that documentation is provided with our products, in both RTF and PDF formats. This ensures that the client has a version (RTF) that can be modified to document later development or changes, as well as a version (PDF) which accurately represents the system at the time of delivery.  (user guide example)

Development documents

Even if the application provides a user interface good enough to be used without supplemental instructions, later developers often benefit from documentation related to:

(developer documentation example 1, developer documentation example 2)

Copies of project documents are provided to the client upon delivery of the finished application. 

Problem tracking

For most projects, reported problems and issues are formally tracked. Even small projects can easily accumulate changes in the hundreds during final testing and implementation - making it easy to lose track of issues if no formal tracking mechanism is used. (modification tracking example)