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Use agreement

All software provided here is copyrighted by Larry Bednar and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. A copy of the text of this license is provided at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html

All documentation provided here is copyrighted by Larry Bednar and licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. A copy of the text of this license may be found at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl.html

The main points of the GNU licenses indicate that users are allowed to distribute the orginal licensed product, or distribute modified versions if the following conditions have been fulfilled:

If a more detailed understanding is needed, please follow the links provided above to review the actual text of the GNU licenses.

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Each link below will display a more detailed description of the provided item(s).


Coop grocery database
FileMaker Pro database designed to assist in tracking of inventory, orders, deliveries for cooperative grocery.
Film schedule database
FileMaker Pro database designed to assist small groups of users in deciding which films at a film festival are scheduled to avoid overlap and which films are of interest to several persons attending the films together. Loaded with the film schedule of the 2010 Portland International Film Festival
Plant History Database
MS-Access application designed for garden/arboretum use in tracking history of plant holdings
Product Distribution Database
MS-Access application that tracks client contacts and client requests for products.
Select Control Database
MS-Access application designed for general nonprofit database use as a platform for database development
TABLING application
SAS application used to generate tables of population estimates from USDA-FS forest survey data
TACS United Way Database
Version of Bednar Consulting Select Control Database customized for use by clients of Technical Assistance for Community Services (Portland, OR)
Time-tracking Database
MS-Access application that tracks worker time use to client, project, and task.
Perl script that performs simple backups of specified files in a single directory, Sends file copies directly to an archive file

Documentation Examples

Business rules example
Provides an illustration of the "business rules" document developed during a software development project.
Code conversion map spreadsheet templates
Provides template "code conversion map" spreadsheets used to outline conversion of legacy code values during data migrations.
Data mapping spreadsheet template
Provides template "data mapping" spreadsheet for specifying exact data transfer from legacy system to a new system during a data migration. Also includes usage recommendations.
Example project description documents
Examples of "project description" documents used to outline the scope and details of a project before final client acceptance of the project.
Salesforce Data Storage Calculation
Spreadsheet designed for estimating Salesforce data storage use.
Use case examples-forestry IM
Provides an illustration of the "use case" technique for documenting user requirements during a software development project, as applied to a simulated interview for development of a data processing system for forest resource survey data.
Use Case Examples-Relationship Mgt
Provides an illustration of the "use case" technique for documenting user requirements during a software development project, as applied for development of a database for tracking business relationships.
Vision and Scope example
Provides an illustration of the "vision and scope" document used to provide a high-level description of a software development project.

eBase Tools

Ebase data transfer tool 
FileMaker application to facilitate migration of data from corrupted Ebase V1.0x files to fresh set of Ebase V1.0.3 or V1.0.2 files.
Ebase database corruption example 
Description of a very interesting example of FileMaker database corruption, the troubleshooting approach used, and the repair approach.
Ebase maintenance recommendations
Short documents outlining standard recommendations for Ebase database maintenance, disaster recovery, and a monthly maintenance form designed to prompt for maintenance tasks and track the maintenance activities actually performed
Ebase server functions database
FileMaker application that facilitates multi-user use of Ebase V1.0x
Ebase V1 Data Import Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet designed to hold data being imported into ebase V1.0x in a fashion that facilitates the process
Ebase V1 LY Calculation Flowchart
Dataflow diagram showing use of fields and scripts involved in calculation of the ebase V1.02 $ LY value displayed on the home screen and in several other locations
Ebase V1 YTD Calculation Flowchart
Dataflow diagram showing use of fields and scripts involved in calculation of the ebase V1.02 YTD$ value displayed on the home screen and in several other locations
Ebase V1.0.3 "Work with duplicates" script flowchart
Flowchart of program control within the "Work with duplicates" script provided with Ebase V1.0.3
Ebase V2 Data Import Spreadsheet
Spreadsheet designed to hold data being imported into ebase V2.xx in a fashion that facilitates the process
Ebase V2 Installation Cost
Text document explaining typical ebase V2 customization/installation tasks and associated expense.
Ebase V2.0.3 log field data dictionary 
FileMaker V5 database containing a "data dictionary" designed to clarify the use of fields under different definitions in different layouts of the Ebase V2.0.3 "Log" database.
Ebase V2.0.3 Add Contact flowcharts
Flowcharts of logic and program control within the "Add Contact" process within Ebase V2.0.3
Ebase V2.0.3 Payments script flowchart
Flowchart of program control within the "Payments" module provided with Ebase V2.0.3
Ebase V2.1 beta Reports script flowchart
Flowchart of program control within the "Reports" module provided with Ebase V2.1 beta
Ebase V2.1 beta Deposit Report script flowchart
Flowchart of program control within the "Reports" module provided with Ebase V2.1 beta
Ebase V2.11 Add Link flowchart
Flowchart outlining high-level script flow of the "add link" function accessed from the ebase "Contact Overview" layout
Ebase V2.11 example code set - COCAAN
MS-Excel workbook containing example ebase 2 codes developed for use by COCAAN
Ebase V2.11 example code set - DCF
MS-Excel workbook containing example ebase 2 codes developed for use by DCF
Ebase V2.11 example code set - OutNorth
MS-Excel workbook containing example ebase 2 codes developed for use by OutNorth
Ebase V2.11 report descriptions
Word processing document containing descriptions of standard ebase V2.11 reports
Perl ODBC access to Ebase V2 data
Report of investigation into use of Perl for extracting data from Ebase V2. 

FileMaker Tools

Example FileMaker layout themes
Examples of XML documents defining custom themes used to format newly created FileMaker layouts
FileMaker Naming Conventions
Bednar Consulting naming conventions used within FileMaker applications.
Import Mapping Storage
FileMaker demonstration database presenting a technique for storing import field mappings as data that may be created, stored, recalled for use by users without opening/editing any scripts


Key Data Difficulties with Raisers Edge Data Migrations 
Explanation of key difficulties encountered when handling Raisers Edge data for transfer to another database system. Especially oriented towards migration to Salesforce instances
SalesForce S-Control Updates 
Versions of S-Controls from SalesForce summer 2008 nonprofit template, updated to use Ajax V13 Toolkit rather than Ajax Beta Toolkit.
SalesForce Bulk API Processing 
Diagram illustrating basic principles for using the Salesforce Bulk API for data loading
Standard Raisers Edge to Salesforce Data Procesing 
Explanation of NWDC's standard data processing for migrating data from Raisers Edge to Salesforce

Software Evaluations

CASE tool evaluation 
Document summarizing my evaluation of inexpensive data modeling software packages that provide the ability to generate scripts to create database objects in an automated fashion.  .

Statistical Techniques

ECDF White Paper
Explains advantages of using Empirical Distribution Function graphs as an alternative to histograms for displaying data distributions